Libertex: License costs reduced 4 times thanks to custom Salesforce partner portal


Libertex: License costs reduced 4 times thanks to custom Salesforce partner portal






Banking & Finance


3+ million

The Challenge

Libertex Group, a global financial services leader, faced the challenge of modernizing its legacy systems to meet growing commercial demand. They wanted to redesign and customize their Salesforce solution for improved sales management and customer engagement.

The Solution

SENLA developed a cost-effective Experience Cloud partner portal for franchisees, optimized data storage with Salesforce big objects, set up message broker integration with Kafka, and engineered the email-to-case logic among other solutions.

The Value

Libertex achieved optimized storage and better Salesforce performance. They also are happy with a cost-effective partner portal with 4 times cheaper licenses, 50% automated customer requests, real-time event tracking, and unified messenger integration. All this enhanced their customer support and sales operations.


Our Client and their need for tech transformation

Libertex Group is a global financial service group with a focus on online investments and trading. With over 25 years in the market, they offer services in more than 100 countries.

Several years ago our Client realized that in order to grow and meet commercial demand, they needed to technically evolve. They found themselves burdened by legacy code and technical debt.

Above all, Libertex sought a contemporary and adaptable CRM system to improve sales management and customer engagement, the strategic pillars of their business. Our Client needed to redesign and customize their Salesforce solution. But first, they needed a trustworthy outsourcing vendor.

Finding the right partner

With this project, we needed high quality specialists who could help us to provide changes on time and with a high level of quality.

We had a long list of potential partners among different outsourcing companies, and SENLA was included in this list. When we began our project, we looked for outsourcing providers who had Salesforce experience — SENLA had that. We organized several interviews and meetings with different companies and finally chose SENLA because they had the best offer."


Our Client shared the following reasons why they chose to partner with SENLA:

For this project, we provided a dedicated team consisting of a tech lead, a systems analyst, 2 product owners, 3 developers, 2 QA specialists, and a Salesforce administrator. 

A Salesforce administrator is a specialist who knows the system thoroughly without doing any coding. This specialist manages a lot of actual client data, and any mistake could lead to substantial financial losses. They need to deeply understand the business needs, anticipate consequences, and inform stakeholders about potential outcomes. We are pleased to have supplied the Client with such an expert.


“Working with SENLA’s experts has been an extraordinary experience. Their depth of knowledge in Salesforce places them on par with and often above our top in-house specialists. They understand our business goals, are fully committed to the product’s growth, and are always proactive.

What’s more, they’re clear and constructive in communication. This creates a healthy team environment and makes work enjoyable. We’re very lucky to work with them.”


The ongoing Salesforce support

Our partnership with Libertex started in 2016 and continues to date. This is typical of Salesforce customization projects, where new business needs arise constantly.

Clients often require continuous support due to Salesforce's three annual updates. At SENLA we proactively prepare their systems for these updates by analyzing upcoming releases and assessing potential changes to modules and integrations.

What's more, Clients commonly operate in multiple regions with varying legal jurisdictions, and we tailor each Salesforce instance to suit those differences. As laws change, we swiftly adjust the settings to remain compliant.

Over the years of our partnership with Libertex, we've delivered numerous solutions, too many to discuss them all. Below we'll highlight a few of the most unique and challenging tasks we've tackled.

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Data archiving with Salesforce big objects

At some point, Libertex realized that their Salesforce system was lagging and performing poorly. The reason was that with their millions of leads, they had hit Salesforce's storage limits.

To address this, we initiated a large data archiving project. First of all, after analyzing the existing data volume, we optimized the database structure and reduced storage costs.

Then we developed a mechanism for archiving inactive leads, accounts, campaigns, and associated records into Salesforce's big objects (large data storage units). With big objects implemented, Libertex now could store millions of records without impacting limits and performance.

Moreover, we created a logic that would periodically delete inactive leads to further optimize data storage and comply with GDPR. If a deleted lead became active again, the CRMS automatically requested and restored their data from all related systems, allowing sales managers to quickly reconnect with the lead.

Partners portal with Experience Cloud

As a large group of companies, Libertex offers affiliate partnerships and works with numerous franchisees. Previously, all of them directly accessed the Client’s Salesforce system for their customer-related activities.

We approached Libertex with the idea of a partner portal on the basis of Salesforce Experience Cloud. This tool would be used for sharing information and working closely with vital stakeholders, just like before, but would cost 4 times less than the regular Salesforce license.

The partner portal we developed allowed franchisees to access information about the leads and customers they brought in. They could carry out various activities related to lead conversion, merging, and more. The portal was also equipped with all essential tools to make calls, send emails/SMS, create and manage auto-tasks, and view reports.

In parallel, we designed the logic for the partner program from the ground up and integrated it into all existing processes. According to it, the system tracked the origin of every customer referred by partners. It then tailored customer and sales processes based on each partner's specific requirements. For instance, during operations like merging leads/accounts or deduplication, the logic identified partner affiliations and acted accordingly.

Events tracking with Kafka

As Salesforce was the "source of truth" for Libertex, there was a need for integrations with various internal systems, either requesting or sending data to the CRMS. During their shift towards a service-oriented architecture, they recognized the need for a message broker.

Previously, Salesforce would simultaneously receive numerous messages of different types, all processed asynchronously. That could occasionally lead to modifying the same customer's data, so we devised a sophisticated logic to prioritize incoming messages.

We developed a Java adapter to bridge Salesforce and Kafka. Every customer action across all services was tracked, and immediate tasks were auto-generated for sales agents to address those actions proactively. Those tasks were ranked based on customer information, ensuring that managers could always prioritize their work.

“Usually we code in Apex in Salesforce, but for this solution, we endeavored to learn and develop a tool in Java. We always welcome complex tasks, because we enjoy overcoming challenges and growing as professionals.”

Polina Pivavarchyk, Systems Analyst

Auto-responses to cases

In order to enhance the work of the Client’s customer support, we implemented a sophisticated system for managing customer requests.

This included setting up email-to-case logic with automated assignment, and integration with an external Help Desk portal. That brought all interaction, be it a response from an agent or a message from a user, into Salesforce for maximum convenience.

Another standout feature was the auto-response mechanism for cases. It identified key phrases and the selected topic of inquiry to generate relevant replies. This automation handled 50% of all customer requests, ensuring rapid responses according to a strict 10-minute SLA. If a request took longer on the support’s side, customers would receive notifications about the delay.

Instant messengers integration

Libertex's support specialists needed to be able to assist their customers not only through email but also via several major instant messengers, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram, etc.

For that purpose, we integrated Sales Cloud with a messenger aggregator. That enabled sending and receiving instant notifications directly from the customer's profile in Salesforce. It also facilitated the creation of marketing campaigns and bulk messaging.

We also integrated Livechat into the Client’s websites and mobile apps. The system came with features such as welcome messages, automatic language detection, and a mechanism to distribute chats to agents based on their availability and working hours.

The value: License fees down 4 times, 50% of all requests automated

SENLA’s task was very complex because of how many customizations were done during the past several years. Because of that, there was a lot of legacy code that had to be changed carefully, as the system has 400 internal users and is being used 24/7.

They performed perfectly. They always react on time without delays and are always ready to help us. I have experience with several providers, and SENLA differs from them with its agile approach and fast response time. Also, their staff is dedicated to working hard.”


During the years of fruitful partnership with Libertex, SENLA brought to life numerous enhancements and improvements for the Client’s sales and customer support teams. To name a few:

  • Storage optimization. After archiving millions of records, we ensured our Client's Salesforce system — used 24/7 — operated swiftly even at peak data volumes.
  • Cost-effective partner collaboration. By implementing a partner portal based on Experience Cloud, we reduced license fees by at least 4 times.
  • Enhanced customer support. Through the intelligent auto-response logic, we automated replies to 50% of all customer inquiries. This guaranteed the 10-minute SLA and significantly boosted customer satisfaction.
  • Real-time event tracking. The message broker we introduced captured every customer interaction with the system. This allowed sales teams to proactively address customer needs with prioritized, real-time data.
  • Unified messenger integration. Our Client's support specialists could contact customers on their preferred platforms and facilitate effective marketing campaigns.

Salesforce customization is a vital process for all businesses aiming to optimize their customer operations. Let technology drive your success, contact SENLA today.

Why Senla?

Smart cost optimization

Save up to $30,600 in talent, hiring, support, and retention, and up to $16,200 in administrative expenses per expert.

High commitment

SENLA's software developers are your full-time employees, as dedicated to your success as your in-house team.

Long-term focus

We strive to be your reliable business partner, offering top-notch tech expertise. We approach partnerships genuinely, not just seeking profit or making false claims about our resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have legacy software that needs an update but I don’t want to shut down my business. Can you help?

Yes, we work with all kinds of systems including legacy ones. If you need to modernize your software, we will introduce the changes gradually to make sure your business flows uninterrupted.

How can I be sure that you will understand and cater to my business's unique needs?

We focus on understanding your business goals and challenges. By beginning with a thorough discovery phase, we align our strategies with your objectives. Our broad experience lets us customize solutions for your unique needs.

How do you scale? What if I need more resources than initially planned?

Easily! All our engagement models are absolutely flexible for changes. Our offshore development center, in particular, is designed to give out up to 100 experts per year. All we need to change ongoing conditions is a month's prior notice to prepare everything.

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